Competence development of municipal elected officials for WSS services

Module 1 and Module 2

Module 1

Overall learning outcome:

To underline legal obligations of municipal elected officials for provision of quality WSS services and efficient organization of water services at the local level.

Specific learning outcomes:

  • Participants are familiarised with LGU legal and institutional framework in water services sector and better understand their roles and responsibilities;
  • Participants understand the importance of and need for improving the organisation of water service delivery at the LGU level;
  • Participants develop their competences jointly hence ensuring collaborative approach to organisation and delivery of water

 Primary target group:

  • LGU decision makers (mayors, speakers, councillors)

Secondary target group:

  • Staff of LGU departments responsible for communal affairs (water services)
  • PUC top and middle management
  • PUC assembly and supervisory board members
  • Promotion and selling staff from LGAs and APUCs
  • Line ministries, regulators

Key topics:

General Aspects of Water Services

  • Jurisdiction, Rights and Obligations,
  • Organization of delivery of water services at the local level,
  • Water services in urban and rural areas,
  • Public Service Agreement (PSA) / Contract,
  • Roles and Responsibilities at LGU’s level (LGU’s council, Mayor and departments, Public Utility Companies (PUCs), Customers)
  • Strategic and business planning,
  • Water quantity and water quality, including sanitary protection zones,
  • Sustainability in provision of water services by PUCs.

Integrated Asset Management

  • Legal framework in managing the assets at the LGU level,
  • Ownership on infrastructure assets (water and wastewater infrastructure),
  • Level of Service (LoS),
  • Organization of Asset Management (AM) at the level of LGUs and PUCs,
  • Roles and responsibilities in managing assets at the level of LGUs and PUCs (link to PSA),
  • AM procedures at the level of LGUs and PUCs,
  • Communication and coordination of AM activities between LGUs and PUCs.

Capital infrastructure investments

  • Basics of Project Cycle Management (PCM),
  • Preparation,
  • Requirements from IFIs and donors,
  • Implementation,
  • Operation and Maintenance.

Water Services Management

  • Human Resources Management,
  • Customer Relationship,
  • Non-Revenue Water Management,
  • Performance of PUCs.

Tariff policy

  • The tariff methodology,
  • The main principles for the tariff setting,
  • Key issues regarding the tariff structure,
  • Explanation of the affordability principle,
  • The needs for subsidy programmes for socially vulnerable groups.

Duration: 1 day

Module 2

Overall learning outcome:

To enhance capacities of LGU employees to fulfil legally defined LGU responsibilities for delivering quality water supply and wastewater collection and treatment services to citizens.

Specific learning outcomes:       

  • Participants understand how to organise efficient and sustainable water service provision at the LGU level;
  • Participants are familiarised with importance of good human resource management, asset management as well as infrastructure financing and implementation practices;
  • Participants develop their competences necessary for achieving operational and financial efficiency of LGUs and their PUCs in the WSS sector.

 Target group:

  • Staff of LGU departments responsible for communal affairs (water services)

Key topics:         

Organisation of Water Service Delivery

  • Jurisdiction, rights and obligations, roles and responsibilities in the WSS sector
  • Organization of delivery of water services at the local level,
  • Public Service Agreement (PSA) / Contract,
  • Key performance indicators,
  • Customer relations,
  • Strategic and business planning,
  • Water quantity and water quality,
  • Sustainability in provision of water services by PUCs.

Human Resource Management

  • Mission, strategic planning, goals, functions,
  • Organisational structure,
  • Job description,
  • Workplace rationalisation and optimisation of work process.

Integrated Asset Management

  • Capital asset management,
  • What is IAM and its outcomes, purpose and benefits,
  • Getting started in IAM planning and change in business culture.

Water Service Financing

  • Cost management,
  • Human resource management,
  • Non-revenue water management and asset management,
  • Capital infrastructure financing,
  • Finance management,
  • Cost-recovery tariff and tariff structure.

Capital Investment Management

  • Implementation of the water infrastructure construction projects,
  • Role of Project Implementation Unit and Consultant,
  • Use of internationally recognized standard contract conditions,
  • Designing and permitting process,
  • Terms of Reference.

Duration: 2 days