E-learning course Capital infrastructure investment projects in the water and sanitation sector

Overall learning outcome

The overall outcome of the course is to enable participants to guide, follow, and actively participate in the preparation, development, and implementation of the capital infrastructure investment projects

By the end of this course, participants who are decision-makers will understand the framework and obtain general knowledge and skills which will allow them to:

  • Get familiar with their roles and responsibilities for bankable project preparation and access to funding,
  • Organize, lead, and monitor the development of all elements of future infrastructure investment projects
  • Fulfil the legal requirements and ensure the necessary institutional framework for capital infrastructure project implementation.

The specific outcomes of the course for middle management of PUCs and LGs are to provide the participants with the necessary framework, general knowledge and skills to:

  • Carry out necessary preparations for infrastructure investment project implementation,
  • Develop all elements of future infrastructure investment projects, and
  • Implement all stages of an infrastructure investment project.

Target Groups

The course is designed for decision-makers, middle management of public utility companies and local governments and project implementation unit staff.

Course Modules

This course is divided into five modules:

  • Module 1Introduction to Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects (CIIP) provides the definition of bankable project and an overview of the available sources of funding, as a prerequisite for capital infrastructure investment project preparation, development and implementation.
  • Module 2 Fundamentals of Project Cycle Management presents the key elements and stages of project cycle management, including

the key steps in the preparation of project proposals, development of the project’s goals, outcomes, expected results and indicators, risk analyses, project budgeting and logical framework.

  • Module 3 Preparation and Development of Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects discusses stakeholder mapping and the legal and institutional arrangements for capital infrastructure investment project


  • Module 4 Organisational Set-up and Arrangements for Project Implementation deals with the internal organisation and set up for project implementation and stages of implementation, roles of responsibilities of the local level for the implementation of capital projects in the water and sanitation sector
  • Module 5 Main Implementation Phase, Project Closure, Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit focuses on the main implementation phase, including permitting, procurement, supervision and quality control of works, program closure, purpose and scope of monitoring and evaluation, types of evaluation, criteria auditing and financial and other reporting requirements.

Duration: The entire Course takes five weeks, with one module delivered per week. Each module consists of 2 lessons.