Integrated Asset Management

Overall learning outcome:

Participants recognize the need for and benefits of effective IAM of WSS infrastructure and identify how to plan and implement key IAM activities at the LGU level.

Specific learning outcomes:       

  • Participants understand the IAM concept and its importance, outcomes and benefits and they recognise how to apply IAM principles in their job / working places (environment);
  • Participants are familiarised with IAM legal and institutional framework and understand their IAM roles and responsibilities;
  • Collaborative approach to IAM at the LGU level is supported through joint capacity development of the LGU and PUC.

Target group:

  • LGU decision makers (mayors, speakers, councillors)
  • Staff of LGU departments responsible for communal affairs (water services)
  • PUC top and middle management
  • Line ministries, regulators
  • RCDN Focal Points from LGAs and APUCs and other relevant staff

Key topics:         

General Aspects of IAM

  • What is IAM?
  • Outcomes of IAM,
  • Benefits of IAM,
  • Getting started in IAM planning and change in business culture.

Legal Aspects of IAM

  • Legal framework in managing the assets at the LGU level,
  • Ownership on infrastructure assets (water and wastewater infrastructure),
  • Level of service (LoS)
  • Public service agreement (PSA) between LGUs and PUCs.

Institutional Aspects of IAM

  • Organization of IAM at the level of LGUs and PUCs,
  • Roles and responsibilities in managing assets at the level of LGUs and PUCs (link to PSA),
  • IAM procedures at the level of LGUs and PUCs,
  • Asset registry and bookkeeping of assets
  • Needs for revalorization of assets
  • IAM towards the tariff policy/structure
  • Communication and coordination of IAM activities between LGUs and PUCs.

Duration: 1 day