Introduction of Infrastructure Investment Projects training for LGUs and PUCs

Module 1 and Module 2

Module 1

Overall learning outcome:

  • Participants are able to access funding for bankable capital infrastructure investment projects, fulfil IFIs’ and donor requirements and provide adequate support in in all stages of project cycle management

Specific outcomes:

  • Participants are familiar with their roles and responsibilities for bankable project preparation and access to funding
  • Participants are able to understand the key elements and stages of project cycle management and provide adequate support in each phase
  • Participants are able to fulfil the legal requirements and ensure the necessary institutional framework for infrastructure investment project implementation

Target group:

  • Municipal and PUC decision-makers

Key Topics:

Access to Funding for Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects and Successful Project Preparation from the Decision-Makers’ Perspective

  • What is a bankable project?
  • Stages of project development and preconditions for funding
  • Types and levels of funding
  • Available sources of funding (national level, IFIs and donors)
  • Role of decision-makers in successful project development

Fundamental Concepts in Project Cycle Management (PCM) for Mayors and PUC Managers

  • Key concepts and definitions of PCM
  • PCM stages Logical framework as a key project management tool
  • Roles and responsibilities of Mayors and PUC managers in project preparation, development and implementation
  • Ensuring stakeholders’ participation
  • Project implementation stages
  • Key elements of the main implementation stage
  • M&E and audit

Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Implementation of Complex Infrastructure Investment Projects

  • Conditions and contractual arrangements with IFIs and donors
  • Project promotion, communication, and awareness-raising.
  • Responsibility for fulfilment of public procurement procedures
  • Types of contracts
  • Project implementation procedures
  • Financial reporting procedures
  • Decision-makers’ support to Steering Committee and Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

Duration: 1 day

Module 2

Overall learning outcome:

  • Participants are able to prepare, develop and implement capital infrastructure investment projects

Specific learning outcome:

  • Participants are able to carry out necessary preparations for infrastructure investment project implementation
  • Participants are able to develop all elements of future infrastructure investment projects
  • Participants are able to implement all stages of an infrastructure investment project

Target group:

  • Municipal and PUC middle management
  • Municipal staff engaged in communal affairs
  • PUC staff engaged in project implementation

Key topics:

Bankable Project Preparation

  • What is a bankable project
  • Stages of project development and preconditions for funding
  • Feasibility study elements

Access to Funding for Infrastructure Investment Projects

  • Types and levels of funding
  • Available sources of funding (national level, IFIs and donors)

Successful Project Development

  • Key elements and steps in developing project proposals
  • Project development procedures (IFIs, PRAG)

Fundamental Concepts in Project Cycle Management (PCM)

  • PCM Stages
  • Logical framework approach

Stakeholder identification and mapping

  • Who are project stakeholders?
  • Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in infrastructure project implementation
  • Stakeholder mapping

Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Implementation of Complex Infrastructure Investment Projects

  • Conditions and contractual arrangements with IFIs and donors – grant/loan agreement, financial arrangements, warranties and institutional setting for project implementation (Steering Committee and PIU)
  • Public procurement procedures – national, IFIs’ and donors’ PP procedures
  • Project implementation procedures
  • Financial reporting requirements

Internal Organization and Planning – Project Implementation Unit

  • PIU – purpose, role and responsibilities
  • PIU structure
  • Necessary project management capacities and expertise
  • ToR for PIU members
  • Internal and external communication of PIU members

Project Implementation Phases

  • Inception phase,
  • Main implementation phase,
  • Phasing out/project closing)
  • Key elements of each phase

Main Implementation Phase

  • Key elements and steps
  • Project design and permitting
  • Types of project award procedures and types of contracts
  • Project construction phase
  • Risk management
  • FIDIC Standards and Conditions
  • Project closing – key issues and challenges

Monitoring, evaluation and audit requirements

  • Purpose and scope of monitoring, types of monitoring, M&E planning, reporting
  • Definition, purpose and scope, types of evaluation, evaluation criteria, reporting
  • Audit of Infrastructure investment projects

 Duration: 3 days