Quick response mechanism of NALAS
The RCDN Quick Response is a Capacity Development service aimed to strengthen RCDN partner Associations. It is based on and scales up one of the most appreciated services of the NALAS Knowledge Centre, NALAS Quick Response service.
The service is using the existing knowledge within the Network and provides regional ad-hoc information collection and analysis, based on a request by a particular partner Association. The result is a mini comparative, cross-border study, that helps partner Associations to produce policy arguments in their advocacy efforts to improve legislation and environment related to water and sanitation services, but also to improve their own institutional capacities and the services they offer to their members related to capacity development and management of water and sanitation services. Any time they use the service, partner Associations will, in up to one week (or in a timeframe defined by them), get a regional comparative analysis on the requested subject, which would otherwise take months and cost a lot.
How does it work?
The RCDN Quick Response is a demand-based service and might be used at any time by any of the RCDN partners: Associations of Public Utility Companies (APUCs), Local Government Associations (LGAs), IAWD, Aquasan and NALAS.