Strengthening capacity for quality delivery of ongoing CD measures

Generic ToT and TMC

Generic Training of Trainers (gToT)

Overall learning outcome:

To enhance the methodological competences of RCDN Pool of Trainers and Moderators (RCDN PTM) for quality delivery of RCDN CD formats “Training” and “Peer Exchange” according to established RCDN Quality Standards.

Specific learning outcomes:       

  • Participants up-date their methodological competences for quality delivery of RCDN CD formats “Training” and “Peer Exchange”.
  • Participants are able to apply corresponding RCDN Quality Standards in their work context.
  • Participants exchange experiences and good practices on quality delivery ref. to training and peer exchange measures and are able to benefit of experiences of others.

Target group:

  • Potential members of RCDN Pool of Trainers and Moderators

Key topics:         

  • Introduction to RCDN, its CD understanding, underlying methodological approach and Operational Model;
  • Key aspects of collaborative learning and its meaning in context of RCDN;
  • Role of a RCDN trainer and moderator and its core functions;
  • Key qualities of a RCDN trainer and moderator (e.g. communication skills);
  • Effective facilitation and experiencing facilitation;
  • Specificity of RCDN Training Delivery cycle: from assessment-based preparation to reflective evaluation; and
  • Specificity of RCDN Peer Exchange delivery: from precise composition to reflective evaluation.

Duration: 4 days

Training Management Cycle (TMC)

Overall learning outcome:

To improve the capacity of RCDN partner associations for quality delivery of RCDN CD formats “Training” and “Peer Exchange” according to established RCDN Quality Standards.

Specific learning outcomes:       

  • Participants have increased knowledge on Capacity Development and key elements of the RCDN training management cycle.
  • Participants are able to organise quality delivery of RCDN CD formats “Training” and “Peer Exchange” and to apply corresponding RCDN Quality Standards in their work context.
  • Participants exchange experiences and good practices on quality delivery ref. to training and peer exchange measures and are able to benefit of experiences of others.

Target group:

  • Focal Points in RCDN partner associations (LGAs and APUCs) involved in the RCDN CD delivery.
  • Training coordinators for development and delivery of the new RCDN WW CD products.
  • Staff in the training units/centers in RCDN partner associations (LGAs and APUCs) responsible for delivery of the associations’ trainings.

Key topics:         

  • Introduction to capacity development; framework, basic principles and concepts;
  • Adult learning approach and modern trends in non-formal education and training;
  • RCDN Operational Model and CD functions;
  • Quality assurance and standardisation of CD functions; RCDN Quality Management System; RCDN Quality Standards on Training Delivery; RCDN Quality Standards on Peer Exchange;
  • Specificity of RCDN Training Delivery cycle: from assessment-based preparation to reflective evaluation;
  • Specificity of RCDN Peer Exchange delivery: from precise composition to reflective evaluation;
  • Designing CD measure: curriculum and agenda for Training and Peer Exchange
  • Effective CD delivery (management of CD staff, realisation of CD measures, M&E, client management and logistics);
  • Efficient realisation of CD measures and enabling logistics: Check list on logistics and cost calculator; Invitation, listing and registration of participants;
  • Attractive trainings and effective facilitation: basic skills and techniques for successful trainers;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of trainers’ and moderators’ performance: trainers’ and moderators’ performance assessment and feedback;
  • Training evaluation, training report, lessons learned and follow-up activities.

Duration: 2 days