Achievements and plans for 2021/2022


What has been achieved by your association and what are key benefits from the RCDN Project? Which capacity development measures have you delivered and what is their impact? How successful are your advocacy and lobbying efforts for enabling environment?

These are some of questions that 16 partner LGAs and APUCs focused on during the Partners Meeting held on 21 December 2020 when presenting their accomplishments in implementing the RCDN Project. Strengthened capacities of the associations, trained staff and improved organisational procedures, mechanisms and tools, successful capacity development measures delivered to LGUs and PUCs, enhanced skills on lobbying and advocacy, policy papers and joint advocacy strategies developed are only some of concrete achievements. In a broad sense, the partner LGAs and APUCs have demonstrated that great efforts have been invested and that full commitment to building the RCDN as a network will continue.

Project implementation approach 2021/2022 was also presented by the GIZ Officer Pavle Donev who said: “In the upcoming period, the Project will promote to the partners switch from implementation to delivery, to anchor the Associations’ annual plans into project-supported activities, not vice-versa. It will be done by delegating bigger implementation responsibility to all associations, while the PIT will be delegated with mandate and assisted by GIZ, to ensure regional coordination & collaborative approach, utilizing the unique mix of organisations’ capacities within the PIT. Cost-coverage delivery will be introduced to demonstrate responsibility to German and Swiss taxpayers\’ money.”