NEws & Articles


Impressions of the 2019 Danube Water Conference

In its seventh year, the Danube Water Conference traditionally happening in May each year in Vienna, has again proved to be THE gathering of the Danube region’s water family. This...

RCDN Training on Promotional and Selling Toolbox

Focal Points from Local Governance Associations and Associations of Public Utility Companies, and members of RCDN Project Implementation Team enhanced practical skills for the promotion and selling of...

Symbolism of RCDN logo

When a drop hits the surface of water, it creates waves and ripples. RCDN logo represents waves of knowledge that interconnect and make unique network of waves – participants. This...

ADKOM successfully implemented first RCDN training

Training Center of ADKOM in cooperation and support of the Project ”Regional Capacity Development Network (RCDN)” delivered a training on “Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects in...

RCDN promo event “Efficient organisation and effective management of water supply and wastewater systems”, was organised in Podgorica on 21 February 2019.

Around 35 representatives of ministries, regulatory agency, public utilities, local governments, Vodacom and Prokon gathered to learn more on the RCDN offer, discuss the main challenges in the water...

Joint activities of ADKOM, RCDN and ERG

Signing of the MoU between ADKOM, RCDN and the ERG with the purpose to provide the basis for continuing the joint efforts of partners to increase efficiency and quality of...

Learning from Peers for Successful Infrastructure Wastewater Collection and Treatment Projects in Bihac

Representatives of 6 LGUs and PUCs from B&H actively participated in the exchange of experience, based on Bihac Wastwater Collection and Treatment Project case study. Morning session focused on key...

RCDN raised significant interest among municipalities and utilities in Albania

The RCDN promotional event “Efficient organisation and effective management of WSS services through investment planning” was held in Tirana, Albania on 25 January 2019. The aim of the event was to...

Regional Peer Exchange on the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plants in Bijeljina

Regional peer exchange gathered 40 participants from BiH, North Macedonia and Serbia to discuss and exchange on operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), projects and case...

Lobbying and Advocacy Training and Preparation of Political Documents – Regional Capacity Development Network

March 27 – 28, 2019 – The Association of Albanian Municipalities, within the project ”Regional Network for Water Sector Capacity Development (RCDN)”, organized two-day...


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