Improved Capacities of RCDN Partner Associations

Preparing and Delivering Online Trainings: Improved Capacities of RCDN Partner Associations

Selected members of RCDN Pool of Trainers, Moderators and Advisors and RCDN Focal Points participated in the training aimed at improving capacity of RCDN partner associations for quality online delivery. The training was held on 22 February 2021 enabling the participants to learn how to design online trainings and how to successfully transform face-to-face into online trainings as well as to adopt skills for communicating effectively in a virtual environment.

An experienced trainer Mr. Stefan Friedrichs from Public One GmbH in Germany presented a series of online tools and ideas for customizing existing face-to-face materials into online trainings as well as practical tips for conducting trainings, webinars, conferences and other events online.

Key challenges of online trainings are identified: trainer’s top performance, appropriate online training design and participants’ engagement and are addressed effectively.

Given the restrictions on face-to-face events, online work becomes increasingly new reality. RCDN therefore remains committed to enhance its capacities to successfully deliver its services in online format as well.