The Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN), through the support of the Association of the Units of Local Self-government of the Republic of North Macedonia (ZELS), is excited to announce a important  project designed to improve the local water service management in North Macedonia. This project, “Strengthening Capacities of ZELS and Introduction of Local Water Services Management System,” aims to ensure that communities have access to clean, safe drinking water and efficient sanitary services.

Project Highlights

  1. Building Stronger Institutions

This initiative focuses on creating a collaborative approach between Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs) and Public Utility Companies (PUCs), namely ZELS and ADKOM. By working together, these local entities can enhance their water services, ensuring long-term protection of water resources and minimizing pollution.

  1. Upgrading ZELS Training Center

The project will revamp the ZELS Training Center (ZTC) by introducing new training modules and modernizing its technical capabilities. This upgrade will help train local government and utility company employees, giving them the skills they need to manage water services more effectively.

  1. Promoting Policy Dialogue

A key part of the project is to facilitate discussions between local and national authorities. By raising awareness and advocating for better local water management policies, the project aims to make water a top priority at all levels of government.

Why This Project Matters

Local water management in North Macedonia has faced many challenges, including outdated regulations and lack of coordination among stakeholders. This project addresses these issues head-on by fostering cooperation between ZELS and ADKOM, the association of PUCs, to improve water services across the country.

Expected Benefits

  • Strategic Planning: A new Strategic Plan for 2026-2030 will guide sustainable water management efforts.
  • Collaborative Approach: Enhanced cooperation between LSGUs and PUCs will lead to more effective water services.
  • Advanced Training: Upgraded training modules and technical capabilities at ZTC will build the skills of local government and utility company employees.
  • Policy Advocacy: Increased awareness and advocacy will prioritize water management in government policies.

Long-Term Impact

The project’s sustainability is ensured by integrating water management training into annual plans, establishing a permanent working group, and enhancing ZTC’s capabilities. This will benefit local communities by providing consistent access to clean water and efficient sanitary services.


The “Strengthening Capacities of ZELS and Introduction of Local Water Services Management System” project is a significant step towards improving local water management in North Macedonia. By focusing on collaboration, training, and policy advocacy, this initiative will ensure that communities have access to the water services they need for a better quality of life. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project and its impact on our local communities.